Bike Fest 2005 pg2

The dragway is a great facility....I thought id get bored pretty quick, but we stayed about 6 the cost aint too bad, cos we could've stayed 10...

What I liked when we got up to the spectator area was that everything's handy, food, toilets all close, for crippled old b's like me, thats important...

Couple of burnout shots....


been better if Id been closer, but fuck all those steps...


And something equally interesting....I like the blonde one...


Blacktown Harley V rod, far lane, Tom the owner on the trike...


Marc's 124" dyna at bottom, 130mph thru the quarter...


JD racings burnout car....see it in action the video page


Another demo car here, doorslammer, this time a wall slammer ....noone hurt..


Nice looking Springer....

Generally a great day, Ill go again...





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